Dream Job Program

Use this as your "sales page". Let people know what's included, why they want it, and even testimonials

10 Modules

Module 4 Getting Ready Before the Interview-Practice PracticePractice

THREE good questions to ask your interviewer which will help you stand out:

  • What specific characteristics and qualities are you seeking in the ideal candidate for this position?"

Listen to the information given, and your follow-up answer can be: " Thank you for telling me this; I feel I am exactly the type of person you're looking for. People I've worked with have described me as [insert specific characteristics and qualities]. They've mentioned things like my [insert relevant skills or attributes]. Those qualities have really helped me succeed in my current role/previous roles."

2. What do you expect me to achieve within the first three months if I were to join your team?"

Listen to the information given, and then your follow-up answer can be: " I totally understand what you said; if given the opportunity, I'm excited to hit the ground running. In my previous positions, I've always been proactive and eager to support my colleagues. For instance, in my last role, I quickly adapted to new responsibilities and ended up exceeding my manager's expectations within X weeks. I was able to [insert specific achievements or outcomes]. So, I'm confident that I can make a positive impact within the first three months here as well."

3. Could you please describe the team culture here?"

Listen carefully and then your follow-up answer can be: " How lovely! I like your team culture because I think it plays a big role in how well we collaborate and succeed together. From what I've learned through my research and conversations with you so far, it seems like the team culture here is actually quite [insert positive aspects you have learned about]. Personally, I value [insert specific values or principles] in a team environment. In my previous roles, I always made an effort to contribute to a positive team culture. For example, I would [insert examples of your contributions or team activities]. I believe in creating an environment where everyone feels supported, valued, and motivated to do their best work."These conversational edits aim to provide more natural and informal responses while still addressing the interviewer's questions and highlighting your relevant experiences and qualities. Remember to personalize your answer for each interview!

Modules for this product 10
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